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merriam webster

1 Translation result for to stay in Spanish


stay verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stayed, has stayed, is staying, stays
detener, suspender (una ejecución, etc.); quedarse, permanecer; seguir; hospedarse, alojarse (en un hotel, etc.)

Example sentences of
stay verb

  • We stayed home last night and watched TV.
  • I will be staying in a hotel this weekend.

Detailed synonyms for stay verb

1. Stay, remain, wait, linger significan continuar en un mismo lugar por un tiempo notable.
  • Stay recalca permanecer en un lugar, o a veces, una situación, y puede connotar el estatus del visitante <stayed in the same job for over forty years>.
  • Remain suele ser intercambiable con stay, pero significa específicamente quedarse atrás o quedarse cuando todos los demás se han ido <one of them remained behind to guard the luggage>.
  • Wait indica el permanecer en un estado de expectativa o preparación <waiting for an answer to her letter>.
  • Linger puede añadir una indicación de demora deliberada, o de estar indispuesto a irse <they lingered over a second cup of coffee>.
2. See: Reside

Reverse translation for to stay

detener  - to arrest, to detain, to stop, to halt, to keep, to hold back 
suspender  (una ejecución, etc.) - to suspend, to hang, to suspend, to discontinue, to suspend, to dismiss 
quedarse  - to stay, to keep on 
permanecer  - to remain, to stay, to remain, to continue to be 
seguir  - to follow, to go on, to keep going, to remain, to continue to be, to go along, to keep on 
hospedarse  - to stay, to lodge 
alojarse  (en un hotel, etc.) - to lodge, to room 
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